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This interdisciplinary research field researches and teaches in the fields of (bio)mechanics, electronics, sensor technology, signal processing, software and simulation. In close cooperation with clinical users and manufacturers, we develop medical-engineering products and systems for diagnostics and therapies, while adhering to the regulatory framework conditions. Our applied research focuses on the following fields of application:

  • Analysis of complex human movements using sensors, simulation and motion analysis 
  • Individualized medical engineering for rehabilitation and prevention
  • Intelligent implant technology for osteosynthesis and tumor therapy
  • Design and manufacture of prosthetics customized for the patient

Research Contact:

Institute for Medical Engineering and Mechatronics 
Prof. Felix Capanni, Prof. Thomas Engleder, Prof. Michael Munz

For more information please visit the website of our research group

Research Group Biomechatronics

Institute for Applied Research
Room: A305a
Prittwitzstraße 10
89075 Ulm
Fon: +49 731 96537-782
