Our library collection includes about 40,000 books, journals, newspapers and data carriers. We provide access to databases for specialist literature, standards and training videos, as well as around 250.000 E-Media via campus licence. You can visit training courses, helping library members to use our constantly-updated stock effectively. Students and staff at Ulm University of Applied Sciences are permitted to use the library, as are people not affiliated with the THU.
To library catalogue and account
Please take note of:
- Please extend your loan periods online using the "My Account" function in the library catalog.
- Overdue media can be returned through the return boxes.
- Interlibrary loan orders can be placed as usual by email or through the library catalog.
Please make increased use of our digital offerings, which are available to you around the clock:
eBooks (80.000 items) and learning videos (13.000 items): Combine your search in the library catalogue with type of item "E-Book" or "E-Video".
- eJournals: Search the EZB (Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek) for specialized journals (z.B. ATZ, MTZ, Adhäsion, Brand eins, VDI-Nachrichten...and, newly licenced, and SAGE journals)
- databases: Get access to various databases via DBIS. The main databases are
- Perinorm: Standards (VDI) in fulltext
- VDE Normenbibliothek: Standards (VDE), for reading online
- IEEE xplore: Access to 4 Mio. publications (IEEE)
- ACM Digital Library: Access to publications of the Association for Computing Machinery
- Wiso: specialized journals (economics, engineering), mainly in german
Try browsing publisher's portals like SpringerLink, ScienceDirect und Wiley Online Library. Many publications are accessible for members of the university (unfortunately not all of them!).
Install the VPN or login via Shibboleth to acces our electronic media from home.
Exmatriculation applications (library release stamp) can be sent to bibliothek@thu.de. We do forward these to the respective parties.
We are available by mail (bibliothek@thu.de) or phone (0731 / 96537-299) for information and help.
Look forward to the new self-checkout when the lockdown is over!

Licenced for you
LinkedIn Learning
The popular learning videos from Lynda.com (formerly Video2Brain) are now available on LinkedIn Learning. Please register here with your university's e-mail address, the anonymous address is working as well. Pay attention to the language selection icon in the upper right corner to get access to videos in 7 languages.
Registration and lending
University members and affiliates:
- THU students ale registered with the library upon enrolment. The student ID card is also the library card.
- Staff members and professors appear once in person with their university ID at the library for registration.
- Temporary lecturers appear also once in person at the library and bring their ID card.
External users:
External users register with the library by filling in the online form (My account/No/Not Registered). Upon receiving the welcome email they can pick up the library card on their first visit to the library Prittwitzstraße.
Please bring your ID card and, if available, proof of enrolment from your own college/university/school.
The fee for external users is a one-time fee of 10 €. Students and pupils are exempt from this if they present a valid proof of enrolment.
Lending periods:
The lending period for books is four weeks and two weeks for magazines and data carriers. They can be renewed multiple times if they have not been reserved by someone else.
It is generally possible to borrow reference copies over the weekend.
You can extend lending periods and reserve items which are currently out on loan using the library catalogue "My account".
Exceeding the lending period will cause reminder fees.
Online Media:
University members and affiliates can use the online media within the campus network once they have logged in with their university account. From outside, they can access the online media via VPN and/or Shibboleth (institutional login).
External users can use the online media on the PCs in the library and, if possible, save content to a flashdrive.
Please also note our terms of use, which are on display in the library and are posted on the intranet (IMZ).
Locations, contact details and opening hours
Main library Prittwitzstr. 10 89075 Ulm Tel. 0731 / 96537-299 bibliothek@thu.de
Mo - Thu: 8:00 to 17:00 Fr: 8:00 to 14:00
Branch campus Albert-Einstein-Allee Albert-Einstein-Allee 55 89081 Ulm Tel. 0731 / 96537-299 bibliothek@thu.de
Mo - Thu: 8:30 - 12:00 Fr: 8:30 to 11:30 |
We procure and provide access to specialist literature and we offer training courses to boost our users' information literacy. Our stock comprises approximately 50,000 items – mainly textbooks in the fields of computing and engineering, as well as journals, newspapers and data carriers (DVDs etc.). We offer our digital information available on the basis of campus licenses. These include scientific databases for specialist literature, standards and training videos, as well as around 80,000 eBooks and 10,000 eJournals.
Members of the Technische Hochschule Ulm and external users are both entitled to use the library.
Searching for and finding items
You can search for our books, magazines, eBooks, eJournals and data carriers (e.g. DVDs) in the library catalogue. Here you will find the appropriate location and, for eMedia, a link leading you to the full text.
DBIS, our database information system, gives you access to all databases, freely accessible or licenced by the library (e.g. Perinorm, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, TEMA Technik and Management, Wiso etc.).
The EZB (electronic journal library) lists the eJournals we have a license for (marked yellow), or which are freely available on the internet (marked green). The eJournals marked red are not available. However you will often find lists of contents and abstracts here.
The KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog) enables simultaneous research in libraries throughout the world.
Print magazines are to be found on the magazine racks. The latest issue can be used within the libraries. Older issues can be borrowed.
Online media
Overview of online media: eBooks, eJournals, databases, tutorials, ...
Access to online media:
Within the campus network: Online media licensed by the library (eBooks, eJournals, literature databases, standards) are available to you free of charge if you have logged in with your university account within the campus network.
Outside the campus network: University members and staff can also access from outside the network (e.g. from home):
- Install the VPN client or
- log in via Shibboleth (login on the provider's page: Shibboleth login, select the university, log in with university account). Not all offers work with shibboleth.
All eBooks and eJournals licensed by the university library are accessible via our library catalogue.
Video introduction
This short film will give you an entertaining introduction to using the THU library. Please note: unfortunately the video player is currently not yet working for mobile applications.