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Regeln und Hilfen

Regulations | Help

What regulations are there and what help is available from the THU and the Studierendenwerk (Students' Union)?

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions:

General queries​, Application
Master's degree
​Dual study program
​Fees, refunds
​Technical questions
​Studying abroad, international students​
BAföG, accommodation, catering
​​Students' Union
​Questions about degree course content (in German)
Department for your degree program
​Student Advisory Services
​Student Advisory Services

The most important things first:
  • You need to get to know your course and examination regulations (StuPo) (PDF). Generally, the one which applies to you is the one which was most up-to-date when you enrolled at THU. Unless, of course, you've agreed a change of course and examination regulations with your department.
  • Official documents and information will be sent to your Ulm University of Applied Sciences e-mail address. Please check your inbox regularly.
  • The student portal is your first port of call for many functions and applications. You can only reach it from campus or via a VPN.

Student Advisory Service

If problems arise during your course and, for example, you are having trouble achieving the required performance or getting the exam grades you would wish for, we recommend

you deal with the causes early on! Do not wait until you have failed examinations multiple times! You may find discussions with your program adviser helpful,

or with lecturers, or with the Student Advisory Service, who can direct you towards other support services at Ulm University of Applied Sciences or elsewhere.

Studierendenwerk (Students' Union)

The Studierendenwerk Ulm offers advice on financing your studies, a Psychosocial Support Center, legal advice and help with finding accommodation.

It also operates the THU cafeterias and mensas. Find out more here

Regulations and guidelines relevant for your degree program

The course and examination regulations describe the structure of the course and define the framework conditions for examinations. We expect you to be familiar with the regulations concerning your degree program. You can find the appropriate course and examination regulations and all the regulations and guidelines relevant to your degree program online.
Already enrolled students will find other important documentation on the President's Office webpage on the intranet.

Registration for classes and examinations

You are automatically registered for classes and examinations in the basic study period. Please note: during the main study period, you are responsible for registering yourself. Find out more here.

Provisional certificate of enrollment

You can print a copy of your certificate of registration by clicking on the link shown on your Notification of Admission. Find out how to print certificates of enrollment during your studies by clicking here.

Students' Service Centre
Room: E09a
Prittwitzstraße 10
89075 Ulm
Fon: +49 731 96537-700
