Staff development is an overarching task within Ulm University of Applied Sciences. All employees are involved in the setting of goals and it is a permanent task for management. Successful staff development requires a balance between keeping what's working and changing what's necessary – in order to remain future proof and compatible regarding requirements from society, politics, industry and the economy.
Successful change processes – initiated by staff development measures at the personnel or team level – achieve changes at an organizational structure level. In this respect, personnel and organization development are closely intertwined with each other. The development of the organization supports systematic change processes. It is oriented towards the goals of the organization, without neglecting the objectives, interests and opportunities of its members.
Staff development aims to match, as far as is possible, the interpersonal and specialist expertise of our staff with the demands placed upon the University of Applied Sciences. A "life-event-oriented" approach is taken here.
The staff development team has set itself the goal of systematically building upon tools which have already been introduced, and to establish new tools. In addition to numerous offers for a family friendly University of Applied Sciences and occupational health management, up until now, the following staff development policies have also been introduced:
- Flexible hours and a variety of working time models
- Remote working
- Comprehensive information for new employees
- Internal and external training programs
- Return/restart interviews after longer absences
- Regular feedback activities - Ulm University of Applied Sciences as an employer
Staff Development Working Group (Arbeitskreis Personalentwicklung)
A Staff Development Working Group (PE-Team) was set up in May 2018. Headed by the Chancellor, the PE-Team has the task of creating and coordinating measures for implementing systematic staff development, in line with the University of Applied Sciences Strategy. In addition to representatives of various groups at THU, the Development Working Group also includes the Staff Committee, the Equality Representative, the Representative for Equal Opportunities and the Head of Human Resources.
Drawing on experience from a "World Café", the "Strategiezelt" event, results from the "Resources" task force, the "Family-focused Enterprise" certification process, as well as information acquired through feedback activities and staff meetings, the PE-Team has come up with the following areas for action regarding staff development:
- Development of measures aiming to improve the qualification level of staff and professors, or to qualify them for management, and to promote a leadership culture based upon the values in the University of Applied Sciences Strategy.
- Development of measures to retain and boost employee motivation, to promote communication and collegial relationships, and to support teamwork.
- Development of measures to help new staff members and new professors to make a good start at THU.
- Establish a system to acquire new staff and new professors.
- Development of appropriate measures to help maintain health and contribute to the ability to combine family responsibilities and a career.
The first sub-teams are now developing and implementing measures to achieve these goals.