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Das Bild zeigt einen Ausschnitt über den Kalender des akademischen Jahres der Technsichen Hochschule Ulm.

Dates and Events

All the important dates during the academic year at Ulm University of Applied Sciences

​​Here you will find selected events and lectures organized by Ulm University of Applied Sciences (THU) or the student union.
An overall overview of the academic year at THU with all dates that could be important for you in the current and following semester (deadlines for registering for classes or withdrawing from exams, examination periods, deadlines for applications to the examination committee) you can download from the Intranet for each semester:
Summer seme​ster 2024​ | Winter semester 2024/2025


Start of preparatory courses2/24/2025
End of the winter semester2/28/2025
Start of the summer semester3/1/2025
Introduction for new students by the President and Deans (Aula - Prittwitzstrasse)3/10/2025 10:00 AM h
Communal service for students and lecturers of all denominations3/11/2025 8:30 AM h
Start of lectures for all semesters3/11/2025 9:50 AM h
Lecture free period4/18/20254/21/2025
Period for study trips / exhibitions5/5/20255/9/2025
Lecture free period6/9/20256/22/2025
Lecture free period6/9/20256/22/2025
Last day of lectures in the summer semester 7/4/2025
Examination weeks7/7/20257/25/2025
End of the summer semester8/31/2025
Academic graduation ceremony 20259/26/2025 4:00 PM h
